> 文章列表 > 介绍自己过春节作文英语




1. 70字左右的英语作文《我的春节》_作业

My Spring Festival: I have a happy Spring Festival. This year it comes in February. All of us are very excited about it. During the Spring Festival, my family and I clean our house and put up decorations to welcome the new year. We also visit relatives and friends to give them lucky red envelopes. The highlight of the festival is the delicious food. We have dumplings, fish, and many other traditional dishes. We also set off fireworks to celebrate. It\'s a joyful time for all of us.

2. 我的春节英语小作文(10句话)_作业帮

My Spring Festival: Last year\'s Spring Festival was special. My uncle and my aunt came back from a trip, so we had a big family reunion. We had a delicious feast with various traditional dishes and enjoyed time together. We watched the Spring Festival Gala and played traditional games like mahjong. We also went to the temple fair to experience the festive atmosphere. It was such a memorable and enjoyable Spring Festival for me.

3. 我的春节,要英语作文呀,80词左右,_作业帮

My Spring Festival: The Spring Festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. Chinese people most look forward to this festival. During the Spring Festival, families gather together, and we have a grand reunion dinner. We also visit relatives and friends to exchange greetings and give lucky money. Fireworks and firecrackers light up the sky, adding to the festive atmosphere. It\'s a time for joy, celebration, and bonding with loved ones. The Spring Festival is truly a special and meaningful holiday for us.

4. 《我的春节》写一篇英语作文

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday. Families gather together to celebrate the arrival of the new year. During this festival, we clean our houses and decorate them with red lanterns and couplets. We also have a reunion dinner, where we enjoy various delicious dishes. Giving and receiving red envelopes with lucky money is another highlight of the Spring Festival. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to scare away evil spirits. It\'s a time full of joy, happiness, and well-wishes for the upcoming year.

5. 初2英语作文myspringfestival(我的春节)60字左右单词不要太...

My Spring Festival: Spring Festival is the most grand and busy festival in China with many old traditions. During this time, families clean their houses and put up red decorations. We have a big family reunion dinner, where we eat dumplings and fish, which symbolize wealth and prosperity. We also watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV and play games like \"Guessing Lantern Riddles.\" It\'s a time when families and friends come together and enjoy each other\'s company. The atmosphere is filled with happiness and excitement.

6. 关于自己是怎样过春节的英语小短文,40字左右,要翻译_作业帮

Spring Festival is a time when families come together. It usually falls in February, but the date changes according to the lunar calendar. During this festival, we have a big family dinner and everyone enjoys delicious food. We also light fireworks to celebrate the new year. It\'s a joyful and lively time. Personally, I love the Spring Festival because it allows me to spend quality time with my loved ones and create beautiful memories.

7. 《我精彩的春节》过去式的英语作文_作业帮

My Spring Festival (in the past): My Spring Festival was special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai, and we had a big family reunion. We decorated our house with red lanterns and couplets. We had a traditional feast with all our favorite dishes. We played traditional games and watched the Spring Festival Gala on TV. We also gave and received lucky money in red envelopes. It was a time filled with laughter, happiness, and love. I cherish those memories of my special Spring Festival.

8. 80词英语作文题目我的春节_作业帮

In China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival. People usually have a long holiday. It lasts for about 15 days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar. During the Spring Festival, families gather together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious food. We also visit temples to pray for good luck in the new year. Fireworks and dragon dances are a common sight during the festival. It\'s a time of joy, celebration, and embracing cultural traditions. The Spring Festival holds a special place in our hearts.

9. 用英语介绍我的春节生活 - 懂得

Spring Festival: On Spring Festival Eve, all my family gets together to eat a big dinner. Fish is a traditional dish that symbolizes good luck and abundance. We also have dumplings, which represent wealth and fortune. During the festival, we visit relatives and friends, exchanging blessings and giving lucky money in red envelopes. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and joy. We also enjoy cultural performances, such as lion dances and dragon dances. Spring Festival is a time of happiness and reunion.

10. 【以myspringfestival.我的春节写一篇英语作文40到50词在翻】

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s New Year. During the festival, families gather together for a reunion dinner. We decorate our houses with red lanterns and paper cuttings to bring good luck. We set off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits. People wear new clothes and exchange lucky money. The atmosphere is festive and lively. It\'s a time of joy, family bonding, and traditions. My Spring Festival is filled with happiness and good wishes for the coming year.